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MQ Query
MQ Update
MQ Report
MQ Admin



Component List


The MetaQuest Administration (MQA) product, which is a member of the MetaQuest™ (MQ) family of products, is used to maintain the control information needed for the other MetaQuest products:
    • MetaQuest EZ-Query (MQEZQ – Easy) – Designed for beginners who want easy access to a list of objects of a particular type from which one or more reports may be generated.
    • MetaQuest DD-Query (MQDDQ – Dual Display) – Designed for users who want to examine a side by side list of two object types that are closely related, typically in a many to many relationship.
    • MetaQuest EX-Query (MQEXQ) – Designed for the advanced user who wants to start with a pre-defined set of object types and expand from there to explore related objects and object types.
    • MetaQuest PW-Query (MQPWQ – Power) – Designed for the expert user who wants to search all or large portions of the repository based on multiple predicates on one or more object types.
    • MetaQuest Report (MQR) – The MQR is used to extend the existing Rochade report path to produce a rich text formatted (RTF) document that contains attributes of any objects listed in the report.
    • MetaQuest CR-Update (MQCRU – Cross Reference Update) – A MetaQuest Update component designed for the expert user who wants to map an object in one object type to another object in a different object type when the object types aren't directly related.

The current MQA sub-components are:

    • EZ-Query – Maintains the EZ-Query list, which consists of one or more titles and the corresponding object type for each.
    • DD-Query – Maintains the DD-Query list, which consists of one or more titles and the corresponding two related object types for each.
    • EX-Query – Maintains the EX-Query list, which consists of one or more titles and the corresponding one or more object types for each.
    • PW-Query – Maintains the PW-Query list, which consists of a set of 1 or more Search List rows and a set of 1 or more Predicate List rows.
    • Report – Maintains the list of reports for each object type and report format for each report.
    • CR-Update – Maintains the CR-Update list, which consists of one or more titles and the corresponding Object Type paths for each.
    • Group – Maintains the Group lists, which consists of a grouping of one or more objects of a certain type – either Object Types or Attribute. The Groups can be used for various MQ functions that allow a single object or a group object.

Main Menu

The MetaQuest Main Menu is the first window shown when the MQA is launched and it allows the user to select which component to administrate.



The EZ-Query sub-component window is used to associate an EZ-Query definition name with a Repository object type for the purpose of allowing users easy access to the specific Repository object type (see the MetaQuest Query page for more information on EZ-Query usage). To open an existing EZ-Query entry, select an entry from the Query Definition List DDLB, which will be initially populated with the last entry that was edited. In this case, we selected MetaQuest Logical Entities, which is associated with an object type named MetaQuest Logical Entity.



The DD-Query sub-component window is used to associate an DD-Query definition name with two related Repository object types for the purpose of allowing users easy access to the specific Repository object type (see the MetaQuest Query page for more information on DD-Query usage). To open an existing DD-Query entry, select an entry from the Query Definition List DDLB, which will be initially populated with the last entry that was edited. In this case, we selected MetaQuest Logical Entities to Attributes, which is associated with two related object types named MetaQuest Logical Entity and MetaQuest Logical Attribute.



The EX-Query sub-component window is used to associate an EX-Query definition name with one or more Object types from the Choose From Object Type List. To open an existing EX-Query entry, select an entry from the Query Definition List DDLB, which will be initially populated with the last entry that was edited. In this case, we selected test "MetaQuest Logical", which is associated with several Object types.

This allows the administrator to specify several groups of Object Types that are used by different types of users and it eliminates the burden of having to scroll through all of the Object Types in the Repository.



The PW-Query sub-component window is used to associate a PW-Query definition name with a set of Search List rows and a set of Predicate List rows. To open an existing PW-Query entry, select an entry from the Query Definition List DDLB, which will be initially populated with the last entry that was edited. In this case, we selected MetaQuest Logical Entity and Attribute Search, which is associated with a two Search List rows and a single Predicate List row.

This query will search the MetaQuest Description attribute in all instances of the MetaQuest Logical Entity Object Type and the MetaQuest Logical Attribute Object Type.  The search predicate that is applied - "*Addr*" - indicates that the identified attributes should be searched for strings that contain anything followed by "Addr" and then followed by anything.  The relationship between Object Types and Attributes in the Search List is a peer to peer, which means that we can select an Attribute and then select "*" for Object Type as follows.

Now the search will be conducted on the MetaQuest Description Attribute for ALL Object Types in the repository that contain that Attribute.  Again, the same predicate list will be applied to that set of Object Attributes.  Additionally we can use the Advanced Search (Adv Srch) feature to specify the Objects that should be searched based on their relationship to another Object.  So if we want to search MetaQuest Logical Attributes for a certain MetaQuest Logical Entity, then we can use Advanced Search as follows.

Click on Yes and the Advanced Search window pops up, which will allow us to specify which MetaQuest Logical Attributes we want to search based on a Repository relationship to another Object that we pick.

Now, we'll select MetaQuest Logical Entity as the Related Object Type and select MetaQuest Contains Logical Attributes as the Link attribute and finally select the Related Object named Customer.  What this means is that we'll search all MetaQuest Logical Attributes (since "*" is specified for the wildcard) that are related to the MetaQuest Logical Entity named Customer.  This gives us another means, besides using a wildcard, to specify what to search in the Repository and now the PW-Query window looks like this.

When this PW-Query is saved, it'll be available for execution vis the MQQ PW-Query.  Note that a user of MQQ PW-Query could also have created this query from scratch and has the capability to modify this query before running it.



The Report sub-component window is used to build a Report definition that can be executed by one of the MQQ components to display information about a Repository object. The report definition starts with a root object type, which can have one or more attributes displayed and then progresses to other related object types, which in turn may have one or more attributes displayed along with related object types and so on. The relationship between the object types and attributes is displayed in the Report Tree list box. Additionally, the report may have up to three headings that are displayed in the Report Headings text boxes.

This report will display the MetaQuest Logical Entity selected with its description and then each MetaQuest Logical Attribute with their descriptions.



The CR-Update sub-component window is used to build a CR-Update definition that will be used be the MQU CR-Update component to link information from one Object Type to another through one or more intermediate object types. The CR-Update definition contains one or more Cross Reference paths that define the pathway for the linkages.

Each CR Path is identified by its Root and Destination Object Type and the full path can be seen by selecting the appropriate row and clicking on Edit to reveal the Edit Cross Reference Path pop up window.

This path has four Object Types that can be seen by scrolling up and down the list.  The intermediate Object Types - all Object Types other than the Root and Destination - have a name derivation that can be seen by clicking on the corresponding Object Type.

Name derivations are required for intermediate Object Types because the user doesn't want to have to manually name each one and this saves the user an enormous amount of time.



The Group sub-component window is used to associate a Group definition name with a Group Type and one or more Group instances from the Choose From Group List. To open an existing Group entry, first select the Group Type from the Group Definition List Type DDLB and then select an entry from the Group Definition List Name DDLB, which will be initially populated with the last entry that was edited. In this case, we selected All Physical Structures, which is an ObjectType Group and is associated with several Object Type instances.

This group named "All Physical Structures" will appear in the Object Type list in PW-Query and if it's selected, then the PW-Query search will search the five Object Types that are part of the group.  The same concept applies to Attribute groups.